How to find your skype name on computer
How to find your skype name on computer

how to find your skype name on computer

  • To see the latest status of services running on the computer, click Get service status.
  • On the Status page, sort or search the list, as required, to find the computer you're interested in, and then click the computer name.
  • In the left navigation bar, click Topology.
  • From a user account that is assigned to the CsUserAdministrator role or the CsAdministrator role, log on to any computer in your internal deployment.
  • To view the status of services running on a computer You can use Skype for Business Server Control Panel to view all the services that are running on a specific computer in your Skype for Business Server topology and see the status of each service. View the status of services running on a Skype for Business server
  • Search for a specific computer by typing the computer name in the search field.
  • how to find your skype name on computer

    Click Refresh to view the most up-to-date list.Sort the list by clicking the Computer, Pool, or Site column heading, and then clicking the up arrow or the down arrow.On the Status page, do any of the following as needed:.In the left navigation bar, click Topology and then click Status.Open a browser window, and then enter the Admin URL to open the Skype for Business Server Control Panel.For details about the predefined administrative roles available in Skype for Business Server, see Planning for Role-Based Access Control. From a user account that is assigned to any of the predefined administrative roles for Skype for Business Server, log on to any computer in your internal deployment.

    how to find your skype name on computer

    To view a list of computers running Skype for Business Server You can sort the list by computer, pool, or site. You can use Skype for Business Server Control Panel to view a list of all the computers that are running Skype for Business Server in your topology and see the service status of each. View a list of computers running Skype for Business Server This article describes how to manage services running in a Skype for Business Server topology.

    How to find your skype name on computer