Hdclone vmdk to vmware
Hdclone vmdk to vmware

– SCSI, Firewire, USB 3.0, Intel Matrix RAID – Encrypt, compress and virtualize images – new: Mount images in Windows and deploy changes

hdclone vmdk to vmware

– new: Smaller images with differential backups

hdclone vmdk to vmware

new: Reworked CopyEngine: never been faster It also works with pro­pri­e­tary for­mats which would oth­er­wise be in­ac­ces­si­ble. HDClone works in­de­pen­dent of par­ti­tion­ing scheme, file system and operating system. A spe­cial Safe­Rescue mode makes HDClone an in­valu­able tool for res­cu­ing de­fec­tive hard disks and oth­er me­dia. HDClone is the per­fect tool for back­ups and for cre­ating cop­ies of en­tire soft­ware or operating system in­stal­la­tions. HDClone cre­ates phys­i­cal or log­i­cal cop­ies (clones) and file im­ages of hard disks and oth­er mass stor­age me­dia.

Hdclone vmdk to vmware